New Homes for Vintage Designs

We chuck more, we buy more, and we keep making more, me (unifiedspace) included. The planet is literally awash with homewares. This poses a real dilemma for someone like me who loves designing and producing new ranges, so, in an attempt to rebalance my own input into this mass overindulgence, can I introduce you to, Vintage Nik’s

Having recently been searching for a 1960’s,  Norwegian coffee cup to add to a depleted collection I had inherited I was blown over when I came across a brilliant vintage site called Danish Mood. The knowledgable art historian running the site had the cup I was searching for. I duly bought it and completed my set. Easy as that. The ‘orphaned’ cup in Denmark now has a new home and future here in Edinburgh. Satisfying is not a powerful enough word to describe how enriching the experience was and it set me thinking. I wanted to find homes for more unwanted beautiful designs. Perhaps this is how ’empty nest syndrome’ is going to manifest itself with me (eldest leaving home later this summer) but whatever the reason, I can assure you it’s soothing my guilt about producing new ranges and feeding my desire to nurture.

I am specifically looking out for mid century British and Scandinavian homewares, both utilitarian and decorative, purely because that’s what I like. I’ve found some great treasures already including a prized Stig Lindberg saucier, a 1942 Royal Copenhagen vase, some Phoenix glass, and several stunning pieces of ceramics from Britains finest potteries. I’m only looking for pieces in near perfect condition that I would be happy to find space for in my own house. And it’s staggering looking at the quality of the pieces, especially the bone china  produced in Stoke on Trent in the 1950’s. Really wonderful.

So I look forward to producing more of my own work (lots of textiles on the way) and finding homes for unwanted, thoughtfully designed objects from the past. A good balance I think.

Do you collect vintage designs and if so what is your favourite era or style?

9 thoughts on “New Homes for Vintage Designs

  1. I hear you! We live in a small apartment and we really have to start de-accessioning…And yet, and yet…I have a small, gorgeous 50s Swedish (Danish) jug, handpainted lavender; nothing else looks like it. Perfect for flowers.

    I love early China — 1780s-1820s. I scored a fantastic late 18th c teapot, with braided handle, hand-painted — for $3, missing its lid. The exact same piece (worth about $700 with a lid) made the cover of House Beautiful. I love the delicacy and hand-painting. But I also use them. Also love salt-glazed Wedgwood in cream and colors…


    • Ah! brilliant to hear from you and I love your enthusiasm for your treasured pieces. You’ve obviously got a great eye and it must have felt wonderful finding that early Chinese piece.

      I get the same kind of pleasure searching through markets and charity shops as I do when I am beach combing – it’s that sense of unknown and mystery that makes it so exciting and you never quite know what you might find.

      You are obviously very mindful about your belongings and take great pleasure from them, I’ve noticed that in your posts on your blog, there’s always a meaningful story attached to pieces in your collection. I think we all need to take a leaf out of your book and think a bit more carefully before buying.

      I hope you do a post about these objects you mentioned one day?


      • Thanks!

        The thrill of the hunt, for sure…I’ve studied antiques and spent a year attending a regional auction every week when I lived in the country; once you’ve educated your eye, you know it when you see it. I once found a lovely 1800-ish tea bowl for $3 in a Wilmington, NC junk shop…People often don’t realize what they are selling.

        It might be fun to do a post on that…it wouldn’t look like showing off?


      • You, show off, don’t make me laugh! You are always so measured and down to earth.

        I am quite certain your readers would love to hear about your treasure hunts, it’s fascinating and I love imagining the stories behind these objects – if only they could talk!


  2. Well thank you very much for introducing me to Danish Mood. I shall be poor for ever now and it will be all your fault. What a fab site! I have a small collection of black Wedgewood vases and bowls, not expensive but they really give me so much pleasure and look great massed together. I also treasure a tiny green Japanese bowl which a good friend gave to me for making a silk organza wrap to keep her ‘warm’ on her wedding day. My really prize possession though is a Shelley coffee set from the 1930’s which was a wedding present from my great aunt. I look at it every day and am reminded of so many good things!


    • Oh, I know! It’s delish isnt it, and Maike, the owner is a fount of knowledge.

      Lovely, lovely lovely, I adore black Wedgewood, not that I have any but I certainly would like to one day, although I would have to move, its not right for our current home. Haha, reason to move (1) china….. you can tell I live with my head firmly in the clouds!


  3. I have had the pleasure of hearing your enthusiasm for mid-century British and Scandi homewares first-hand, and I am delighted you are collecting and curating these striking finds, but you shouldn’t feel any guilt whatsoever for producing your own homewares ranges. Like you just now, in the future, there will be collectors scouring around trying to complete their NIki collection!


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