International Colour Day, 2014

Today is International Colour Day – nicely chosen to coincide with the Equinox.  Around this date, “night and day are equally long which symbolically juxtaposing the complementary nature of dark and light, of shadow and illumination, that are expressed in all human cultures“, Colour Group GB

pencil shards

To celebrate, here are some of my photos where I think colour speaks for itself. I know, I know, white isn’t a colour but I view it as utterly magnanimous because instead of absorbing or snatching wavelengths, it reflects and shares them straight back again thus becoming the most pure, peaceful and generous ‘colour’ in my mind…

White Peace

White Peace

Beautiful, Elegant Green

Beautiful, Elegant Green

Warning, Agressive Red

Warning, Agressive Red

Endlessly Creative Blue

Endlessly Creative Blue

Ray of Yellow Hope

Ray of Yellow Hope

For more colour inspiration have a look at the  Dulux Colour Awards 2014 which is run in partnership with The Guardian – definitely worth a look.

What colour are you feeling like today and how will you celebrate today, March 21st 2014, International Colour Day? 

4 thoughts on “International Colour Day, 2014

    • Thank you! Well I am making some v colourful canapes right now – I’ve hollowed out radish and filling them with black olive tapenade (to look like bouys as its a Shetland/sea theme art exhibition tonight) and making sushi with Shetland a twist. Then its the big huge Scottish Cup Final for the lads hockey tonight so please keep everything crossed for the team!


  1. I remember you doing a post this time last year about ” International Colour Day” I can’t believe a whole year has gone by so quickly!! I agree white is just beautiful, it’s the paint I use the most of, also that blue is gorgeous and I love the Ray of Yellow Hope photo it’s so painterly. Enjoy your canapés and the exhibition it sounds like you will be having a fun night. xx


    • Thank you Sandra 🙂 I know this year seems to have vaporised, its scary!

      Yes, a great night thanks. The kids won the Scottish Cup Final for Field Hockey – it was an extremely exciting game indeed with penalties, short corners, cards, the works!

      Im just scooting over to your blog to see what you are up to. See you there!


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